Sharing teacher training methods: the case of problematic learning situations in geometry

A. Cockburn, H. Gal, L. Linchevski

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The study reported in this chapter arose from a 3-year Israeli study aiming to increase teachers' awareness of their pupils' thinking processes by exposing them to cognitive theories and to authentic Problematic Learning Situations (PLS). In that study, Gal with Linchevski detected and analysed PLS and used them as video clips in courses for pre- and in-service lower secondary teachers. The universality of these learning situations prompted Cockburn to use the material with pre-service primary teachers in the UK. The research demonstrates a new methodological approach to teacher education which effectively directs student teachers' attention towards the pupils' perspective as opposed to the teachers' which is their natural inclination. This chapter illustrates the value of international collaboration for the enhancement of mathematics teacher education. The paper was refereed by 3 international colleagues. Cockburn contributed 50%.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCollaboration in Teacher Education
EditorsA. V. Peter-Koop, S. Wagner
Number of pages20
ISBN (Print)1402013922
Publication statusPublished - 2003

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