Singaporean caregivers’ experiences of placing a relative into long term care

Rajini Ramanathan, Paul Fisher

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Caregivers experience many difficulties and challenges with the process of providing care particularly at times of transition, such as when the care recipient moves into a nursing home. This qualitative study aims to understand caregiver experiences of this important process. Methods: Twelve interviews were conducted with caregivers with an older relative in a nursing home in Singapore. The resulting data was analysed through thematic analysis. Results: Five themes were identified: Filial and cultural expectations shape caregivers’ experience of pre-placement decisions and post-placement; View of the placement decision; Continued impact of caring; Engagement with the institution and Maintaining the relationship. Conclusions: Caregivers were found to place significant emphasis on cultural values, specifically on filial piety. This impacted their caregiving role prior to placement, when making the decision to place their relative into a nursing home and in their continued involvement after placement. Despite the changing role, the placement experience was fraught with persisting difficulties involving maintaining the relationship with the resident and developing a new relationship with the nursing home.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-189
Number of pages23
JournalClinical Gerontologist
Issue number3
Early online date25 Jan 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Caregiver
  • culture
  • filial piety
  • long term care
  • older adult
  • transition

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