Stranger in a strange land: the experiences of immigrant researchers

Sophien Kamoun, Rosa Lozano-Durán, Luay Nakhleh

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Continuing with our Q&A series discussing issues of diversity in STEM fields, Genome Biology spoke with three researchers on their experiences as immigrants. International collaborations are key to advancing scientific research globally and often require mobility on the part of researchers. Migration of scientists enables the spread of ideas and skills around the world, giving researchers the opportunity to follow the best resources. Of course, migration adds a new set of challenges to the already monumental task of starting and running a lab. Genome Biology spoke to Sophien Kamoun, Rosa Lozano-Durán, and Luay Nakhleh about their personal experiences.
Original languageEnglish
Article number232
JournalGenome Biology
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2017
Externally publishedYes

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