Structural versatility driven by the flexible di(4-pyridyl) sulfide ligand: from mononuclear cobalt(II) species to sheet-like copper(II) architectures

Natalia V. Reis, Maria Vanda Marinho, Tatiana Renata G. Simões, Karina C. Metz, Raphael C. Vaz, Willian X. C. Oliveira, Cynthia L. M. Pereira, Wdeson P. Barros, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Siddhartha O. K. Giese, David L. Hughes, Kleber R. Pirota, Wallace C. Nunes, Humberto O. Stumpf

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    The reaction between the ligand di(4-pyridyl)sulfide(dps) and two salts of divalent first row transition metals (M= Co2+, and Cu2+) resulted in three new compounds with formula: [Co(dps)4(H2O)2](ClO4)2⋅H2O (1), [Cu(dps)2(dmso)2]n(ClO4)2n (2) and [{Cu(dps)2(dmso)2}{Cu(dps)2(dmso)(H2O)}]n(ClO4)4n2nH2O⋅n(dmso) (3). Crystal structures of 1-3 were determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystal structures of 1 consists of mononuclear complexes, in which the dps ligand acts in a monodentate mode through one of the pyridyl nitrogen atoms. Compounds 2 and 3 present the dps ligand bridging metal centers leading to bidimensional coordination polymers. Magnetic properties in the polycrystalline samples of 1-3 in the 300 to 2K temperature range were investigated. Complex 1 exhibits a field-induced slow magnetization behavior and behaves as a single-ion magnet with an effective energy barrier for the reversal of magnetization of 22.9 (1.1) K andτ0= 5.3(1.2)x10−7 s.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)203-211
    Early online date17 Jul 2019
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019

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