Subtitling and dubbing in telecinematic text

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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This contribution focuses on audiovisual translation (AVT) and the relatively neglected domain of subtitling and dubbing in telecinematic text from a pragmatic perspective, in effect cross-cultural by dint of the interlingual transfer involved. AVT language is fictional language, with the additional twist of mediating text and meaning across languages and cultures in a multimodal context in which source and target remain intertextually linked. The chapter provides an overview of the main aspects involved in engaging with AVT from this perspective, and of the two main domains in which pragmatics has been represented within it: narrative aspects and characterization, and communicative practices in their interlingual representations. Audience design, stance, voice, versimilitude are key features for AVT in the pragmatics of its fiction, as in fiction in general. They are uniquely modulated in AVT by the idiosyncratic features of translation modalities, in ways which are yet to be fully mapped out.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPragmatics of Fiction
EditorsMiriam A. Locher, Andreas H. Jucker
PublisherDe Gruyter
ISBN (Print)9783110431094
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2017

Publication series

NameHandbooks of Pragmatics
PublisherDe Gruyter

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