Supporting open innovation with the use of a balanced scorecard approach: A study on deep smarts and effective knowledge transfer to SMEs

Graham Manville (Lead Author), Fahri Karakas, Martyn Polkinghorne, Nick Petford

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This study aims to develop the theory of knowledge management and organisational performance within a small and medium enterprise (SME) context using action research (AR) involving a higher education institution (HEI) and a SME. The vehicle for the knowledge exchange was Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), the United Kingdom’s primary mechanism for delivering government funded knowledge transfer to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). KTPs facilitate knowledge exchange from HEIs to SMEs via the recruitment of a graduate plus an academic supervisor from the partnering HEI. The AR study was an award winning KTP and the project deliverable included the implementation of a balanced scorecard for the SME to improve organisational performance. The transfer of knowledge was subsequently fed-back into the university in order to develop a performance framework for measuring the effectiveness of KTP research within the HEI in order to share knowledge and improve effective for other KTP projects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)842-853
Number of pages12
JournalProduction Planning & Control
Issue number10-12
Early online date30 Jun 2019
Publication statusPublished - 10 Sep 2019


  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Performance Measurement
  • SME
  • Open Innovation
  • Balanced scorecard

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