Tell me more, tell me more: Repeated personal data requests increase disclosure

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Personal data is of great commercial benefit and potential sensitivity. However, for the consumers who provide their personal data, doing so comes with potential costs, benefits and security risks. Typically, consumers have the option to consent to the use of personal/sensitive data but existing research suggests consumer choices may only be weakly related to their concerns (the privacy paradox). Here, we examine if the repetitive nature of data requests alters behaviour but not concern, therefore, explaining the divergence. This work is theoretically grounded in ‘Foot in the door’ research in which small initial requests facilitate subsequent larger requests. An initial laboratory study asking for real, personal data demonstrated increased information disclosure at a subsequent request. A second online study replicated the increased information disclosure effect and found no change in associated privacy concern. We find this supports foot-in-the-door as one explanation of the privacy paradox. We suggest ways for businesses and consumers to encourage an acceptable level of disclosure to match personal beliefs for mutual trust and benefit.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbertyad005
JournalJournal of Cybersecurity
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Mar 2023

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