Testing the homogeneity hypothesis of personality: Replication and extension across European countries, industry sectors and organizations

Alessia D'Amato, George Michaelides

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This paper builds on previous studies testing the homogeneity hypothesis of personality as presented in seminal works in the field. Using a sample of 2,745 managers from 165 organizations operating in 51 sectors, spanning 30 European countries, we explore the Attraction‐Selection‐Attrition (ASA) framework in European organizations, and examine managerial personality variability within and between: (1) organizations; (2) industry sectors; and (3) European countries. To explore personality, the Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was used and the hypotheses tested with Bayesian Multilevel analysis, along with the within‐group interrater reliability statistic (rWG) and average deviation from the mean (ADM) agreement indices. Results revealed significant variance in personality between organizations and countries – but not within sectors. Evaluation of within group agreement revealed that agreement in personality profiles within organizations is relatively low (10–39%); the agreement is higher within countries (56–68%) and within industry sectors (30–63%). The results reveal that perhaps organizations are not as homogeneous as previously suggested. Earlier cautions about the consequences of Attraction‐Selection‐Attrition yielding relative homogeneity are discussed as unnecessary, and complementary fit is suggested. This is the first study to empirically test within group agreement across levels.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-78
Number of pages20
JournalEuropean Management Review
Issue number2
Early online date15 Oct 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2021


  • ASA framework
  • Bayesian multilevel analysis
  • homogeneity hypothesis
  • personality

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