The determination of heavy metal concentration in sediment from Kerteh River, Terengganu

M. Z. H. Rozaini, A.N. B. Ramli, M. Bintijaafar

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Concentrations of heavy metals accumulated in sediment from nine stations along the Kerteh River of Kemaman were measured using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Plasma (ICP-OES) chemical analyses. The average concentration of heavy metals were; Pb (15.29 ± 4.44 ug g-1), Cd (4.42 ± 0.27 ug g-1), Cu (34.33 ± 14.73 ug g-1), Cr (11.32 ± 3.92 ug g-1), Zn (44.94 ± 13.29 ug g-1), Ni (11.42 ± 5.20 ug g-1). The trend of heavy metal concentration at the study area was Zn>Cr>Pb>Ni>Cu>Cd; indicating possible enrichment from anthropogenic sources such as oil refinery industry, boating, fishing and domestic waste. The concentration of Pb and Zn were most abundant at station A4 (Petronas outlets 2) while station A2 (Petronas outlets 1) was abundant with Cd and Cu. The highest concentration of Cr and Ni was found at station A9 (mangrove plant). The distribution of heavy metals at Kerteh River was much influenced by anthropogenic sources and human activities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Sustainability Science and Management
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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