The development of simulated learning environments involving coroner’s court attendance in mental health nursing education

Rhonda Beggs, Ian Mckay, Paul Linsley

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Simulated learning environments (SLEs) provide students with the opportunity to experience complex practice elements with minimal professional risks. This article explores the development of an SLE in undergraduate mental health nursing education. The SLE focuses on events surrounding a client death and follows attendance at a coroner’s court. Student learning outcomes are focused on evaluating essential components of nursing care including communication, record-keeping, risk-taking and ethical decision-making.

The SLE, which is now in its fourth iteration, allows educators to review and adapt the teaching practices to achieve the curriculum learning outcomes and encapsulate the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Code. This article proposes future possibilities for the use of complex simulation dramas to enhance nursing student preparedness for registration.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere1376
JournalMental Health Practice
Publication statusPublished - 17 Sep 2019

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