The effect of oxidative damage on the calpain proteases in cultured ovine lens

J.D. Morton, J Sanderson, H.Y.Y. Lee, L.J.G. Robertson, K. Gately

Research output: Contribution to journalAbstract


A line of sheep at Lincoln University inherits cataracts and provides a unique opportunity to investigate the role of calpain in cataract formation. The sheep lens culture system has been developed as an alternative, controlled model of cataract formation allowing the measurement of early changes in cataractogenesis and to test the efficacy of calpain inhibitors in preventing cataracts. The purpose of this experiment was to determine which calpain isoforms were present in the cultured lenses and whether oxidative damage led to changes in the amount and type of calpain isoforms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)314
JournalInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - May 2003

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