The International Surface Pressure Databank version 2

Thomas A. Cram, Gilbert P. Compo, Xungang Yin, Robert J. Allan, Chesley McColl, Russell S. Vose, Jeffrey S. Whitaker, Nobuki Matsui, Linden Ashcroft, Renate Auchmann, Pierre Bessemoulin, Theo Brandsma, Philip Brohan, Manola Brunet, Joseph Comeaux, Richard Crouthamel, Byron E. Gleason, Pavel Y. Groisman, Hans Hersbach, Philip D. JonesTrausti Jónsson, Sylvie Jourdain, Gail Kelly, Kenneth R. Knapp, Andries Kruger, Hisayuki Kubota, Gianluca Lentini, Andrew Lorrey, Neal Lott, Sandra J. Lubker, Jürg Luterbacher, Gareth J. Marshall, Maurizio Maugeri, Cary J. Mock, Hing Y. Mok, Øyvind Nordli, Mark J. Rodwell, Thomas F. Ross, Douglas Schuster, Lidija Srnec, Maria Antónia Valente, Zsuzsanna Vizi, Xiaolan L. Wang, Nancy Westcott, John S. Woollen, Steven J. Worley

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