The prediction of hallucinatory predisposition in non-clinical individuals: Examining the contribution of emotion and reasoning

Paul Allen, Daniel Freeman, Philip McGuire, Philippa Garety, Elizabeth Kuipers, David Fowler, Paul Bebbington, Catherine Green, Graham Dunn, Katarzyna Ray

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70 Citations (Scopus)


Background. Emotion, especially anxiety, has been implicated in triggering hallucinations. Reasoning processes are also likely to influence the judgments that lead to hallucinatory experiences. We report an investigation of the prediction of hallucinatory predisposition by emotion and associated processes (anxiety, depression, stress, self-focused attention) and reasoning (need for closure, extreme responding).

Method. Data were analysed from a questionnaire survey in a student population (N =327).

Results. Higher levels of anxiety, self-focus, and extreme responding were associated with hallucinatory predisposition. Interactions between these three variables did not strengthen the predictive effect of each. Depression, stress, and need for closure were not found to be predictors of hallucinatory experience in the regression analysis.

Conclusion. Emotional and reasoning processes may both need to be considered in the understanding of hallucinatory experience.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-132
Number of pages6
JournalBritish Journal of Clinical Psychology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2005

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