The South Atlantic in the Fine-Resolution Antarctic Model

DP Stevens, SR Thompson

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The geographical area covered by the Fine-Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) includes that part of the South Atlantic south of 24°S. A description of the dynamics and thermodynamics of this region of the model is presented. Both the mean and eddy fields in the model are in good agreement with reality, although the magnitude of the transients is somewhat reduced. The heat flux is northward and in broad agreement with many other estimates. Agulhas eddies are formed by the model and propagate westward into the Atlantic providing a mechanism for fluxing heat from the Indian Ocean. The confluence of the Brazil and Falkland currents produces a strong front and a large amount of mesoscale activity. In the less stratified regions to the south, topographic steering of the Antarctic circumpolar current is important.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)826-839
Number of pages14
JournalAnnales Geophysicae
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1994

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