The zebrafish sperm proteome

Jayme Cohen-Krais, Carlo Martins, Jamie Bartram, Zoe Crighton, Jean-Charles de Coriolis, Alice Godden, Daniel Marcu, Weronika Robak, Gerhard Saalbach, Simone Immler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


One of the key processes that forms the basis of fertilisation is the tight interaction between sperm and egg. Both sperm and egg proteomes are known to evolve and diverge rapidly even between closely related species. Understanding the sperm proteome therefore provides key insights into the proteins that underpin the mechanisms involved during fertilisation and the fusion between sperm and egg, and how they can differ across individuals of the same species. Despite being a commonly used model organism for reproductive research, little is currently understood about the zebrafish Danio rerio sperm proteome. We performed nanoLC-MS/MS proteomics analysis after off-line sample fractionation with six pooled samples containing sperm from ten males each. We confidently identified 5410 proteins, from which a total of 3900 GeneIDs were generated leading to 1720 Gene Ontology terms.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere202400310
Early online date31 Dec 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 31 Dec 2024


  • Danio rerio
  • fertilisation
  • fertility
  • proteomics
  • sperm function
  • sperm-egg interaction

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