Timing of 29 pulsars discovered in the PALFA survey

A. G. Lyne, B. W. Stappers, S. Bogdanov, R. D. Ferdman, P. C. C. Freire, V. M. Kaspi, B. Knispel, R. Lynch, B. Allen, A. Brazier, F. Camilo, F. Cardoso, S. Chatterjee, J. M. Cordes, F. Crawford, J. S. Deneva, J. W. T. Hessels, F. A. Jenet, P. Lazarus, J. van LeeuwenD. R. Lorimer, E. Madsen, J. McKee, M. A. McLaughlin, E. Parent, C. Patel, S. M. Ransom, P. Scholz, A. Seymour, X. Siemens, L. G. Spitler, I. H. Stairs, K. Stovall, J. Swiggum, R. S. Wharton, W. W. Zhu, C. Aulbert, O. Bock, H. -B. Eggenstein, H. Fehrmann, B. Machenschalk

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We report on the discovery and timing observations of 29 distant long-period pulsars found in the ongoing Arecibo L-band Feed Array pulsar survey. Following discovery with the Arecibo Telescope, confirmation and timing observations of these pulsars over several years at Jodrell Bank Observatory have yielded high-precision positions and measurements of rotation and radiation properties. We have used multi-frequency data to measure the interstellar scattering properties of some of these pulsars. Most of the pulsars have properties that mirror those of the previously known pulsar population, although four show some notable characteristics. PSRs J1907+0631 and J1925+1720 are young and are associated with supernova remnants or plerionic nebulae: J1907+0631 lies close to the center of SNR G40.5−0.5, while J1925+1720 is coincident with a high-energy Fermi γ-ray source. One pulsar, J1932+1500, is in a surprisingly eccentric, 199 day binary orbit with a companion having a minimum mass of 0.33 M⊙. Several of the sources exhibit timing noise, and two, PSRs J0611+1436 and J1907+0631, have both suffered large glitches, but with very different post-glitch rotation properties. In particular, the rotational period of PSR J0611+1436 will not recover to its pre-glitch value for about 12 years, a far greater recovery timescale than seen following any other large glitches.

Original languageEnglish
Article number137
Number of pages14
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2017
Externally publishedYes

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