Trends and global power of research on physical activity, depression, and anxiety in adolescents and young adults: Science mapping the literature

Kieran Balloo, Patrick Delaney, Anesa Hosein, Farhana Ferdousi Liza

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To understand the pluralization and global power of research on physical activity (PA), depression, and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, a bibliometric analysis-based science mapping of publications in this field was conducted. Scopus was searched for peer-reviewed journal articles published from 2010 to 2022, which resulted in 2,668 records, of which more than half were published from 2020 onwards. Research and collaborations were concentrated in countries in the Global North. Research trends, based on keyword co-occurrence analysis, suggest: an apparent shift towards more PA research connected to sleep, and de-emphasis on research related to weight concerns; research addressing barriers to participation in PA; an increasing interest in the mental health of university students; and the differential effects of team and individual sports on anxiety and depression. Emerging research fronts focused on alternative therapies, new technologies, and impacts of COVID-19. The findings could guide avenues for future research and policy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2375356
JournalInternational Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Issue number1
Early online date23 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


  • bibliometric analysis
  • mental health
  • Physical activity
  • sport
  • wellbeing
  • youth

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