Using mentoring to improve the foundation placement in psychiatry: review of literature and a practical example

Yasir Hameed, Hugo De Waal, Emma Bosier, James Miller, Jane Still, Dawn Collins, Thomas Bennet, Clara Haroulis, Jacobus Hamelijnck, Nigel Gill

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In the past few years, mentoring in clinical settings has attracted the attention of medical educators, clinicians, managers, and policy makers. Most of the Royal Colleges of medical and surgical specialities have some form of mentoring schemes and various regional divisions of Health Education England support mentoring and coaching in the workplace.

Despite the importance of this topic and the great need to provide more support to doctors in recent times, there is a paucity of literature on examples of mentoring schemes in clinical settings and practicalities of setting up such schemes in hospitals.

This paper describes the implementation of a mentoring scheme in a large mental health trust in the UK to support junior doctors and the issues involved in creating such scheme. We hope that this article will be useful to clinicians who would like to start similar schemes in their workplace.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbera932
JournalBritish Journal of Medical Practitioners
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Mentoring
  • Clinical
  • Education envionemnt
  • Best evidence medical education

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