Water entry of an elastic conical shell

T. I. Khabakhpasheva, A. A. Korobkin, S. Malenica

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The axisymmetric problem of a conical shell impact onto an inviscid and incompressible liquid of infinite depth is studied. The shell is thin, and its deadrise angle is small. The problem is inertia dominated. Gravity, surface tension and viscous effects are not taken into account. The hydrodynamic loads acting on the shell and the shell displacements are determined at the same time. The model by Scolan (J. Sound Vib., vol. 277, issue 1–2, 2004, pp. 163–203) is used to find the flow and hydrodynamic pressure caused by the shell impact. This model is based on the Wagner theory of water impact, which was generalised to axisymmetric problems of hydroelastic slamming. Dry and wet modes of the conical shell, as well as the corresponding frequencies, are calculated. It is shown that a conical shell can be approximated by a circular plate only for a very small deadrise angle. Deflections and strains in the conical shell during the impact stage, when the wetted part of the shell increases at high rate, as well as the hydrodynamic loads, are determined and analysed.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberA34
JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics
Early online date5 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2024


  • wave–structure interactions
  • general fluid mechanics
  • wave-structure interactions

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