Weak modular Zilber–Pink with derivatives

Vahagn Aslanyan

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    In unpublished notes Pila proposed a Modular Zilber–Pink with derivatives (MZPD) conjecture, which is a Zilber–Pink type statement for the modular j-function and its derivatives. In this article we define D-special varieties, then state and prove two functional (differential) analogues of the MZPD conjecture for those varieties. In particular, we prove a weak version of MZPD. As a special case of our results, we obtain a functional Modular André–Oort with Derivatives statement. The main tools used in the paper come from (model theoretic) differential algebra and complex analytic geometry, and the Ax–Schanuel theorem for the j-function and its derivatives (established by Pila and Tsimerman) plays a crucial role in our proofs. In the proof of the second Zilber–Pink type theorem we also use an Existential Closedness statement for the differential equation of the j-function.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)433–474
    Number of pages42
    JournalMathematische Annalen
    Issue number1-2
    Early online date24 May 2021
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022

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