Wild to domestic and back again: the dynamics of fallow deer management in medieval England (c. 11th-16th century AD)

Naomi Sykes (Lead Author), Gema Ayton, Frazer Bowen, Karis Baker, Polydora Baker, Ruth F. Carden, Craig Dicken, Jane Evans, A. Rus Hoelzel, Thomas F.G. Higham, Richard Jones, Angela Lamb, Robert Liddiard, Richard Madgwick, Holly Miller, Clare Rainsford, Peta Sawyer, Richard Thomas, Christopher Ward, Fay Worley

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This paper presents the results of the first comprehensive scientific study of the fallow deer, a non-native species whose medieval-period introduction to Britain transformed the cultural landscape. It brings together data from traditional zooarchaeological analyses with those derived from new ageing techniques as well as the results of a programme of radiocarbon dating, multi-element isotope studies and genetic analyses. These new data are here integrated with historical and landscape evidence to examine changing patterns of fallow deer translocation and management in medieval England between the 11th and 16th century AD.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
JournalScience & Technology of Archaeological Research
Issue number1
Early online date20 Jul 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • medieval
  • parks
  • fallow deer
  • genetics
  • isotope analysis
  • zooarchaeology

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