Working with robots: Trends and future directions

Siqi Wang, Weng Marc Lim, Jun-Hwa Cheah, Xin-Jean Lim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Robots are taking on a prominent role in driving organizational evolution toward industrial revolutions. While research on the role of robots in human resource management (robot-HRM) is proliferating, the literature falls short in providing a state-of-the-art overview of the progress and ways forward for the field. Hence, this study aims to review and consolidate the extant literature on robot-HRM into a unified framework and provide pragmatic ways forward. To do so, this study conducts a framework-based systematic literature review by adopting the SPAR-4-SLR protocol to guide its assembling, arranging, and assessing of theories, contexts, characteristics, and methods (TCCM) of robot-HRM studies identified and retrieved from Scopus and Web of Science. In doing so, this study contributes a seminal overview of the research trends and ways forward for robotHRM, as well as the implications for professionals to manage the embedding of robots and the interaction with employees in the workplace.
Original languageEnglish
Article number123648
JournalTechnological Forecasting and Social Change
Early online date11 Dec 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Dec 2024

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