Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957)

Paul Edwards, Richard Humphreys, Andrzej Gasiorek, Yolanda Morato, Alan Munton

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


This exhibition was held at Fundación Juan March, Madrid, 5 Feb 2010 – 16 May 2010. Paul Edwards was chief visiting curator for the exhibition, which, with over 170 original works and 20 or more prints from portfolios, plus 59 books authored, and magazines edited, by Lewis, was the largest and most comprehensive there has yet been of Lewis’s work. The over-all conception of the exhibition structure was by Edwards, and the choice of exhibits was also led by his expertise. The exhibition had an attendance of 40,000 and was widely reviewed in the Spanish press. As well as the overall structure, Edwards was
responsible for the following sections of the catalogue:

‘Creation Myth: The Art and Writing of Wyndham Lewis’, pp. 22-31
‘Wyndham Lewis the Artist’: Catalogue entries and introductions to sections 1, 3 and 4 (pp. 96-223, 266-93)
‘Wyndham Lewis the Writer’: All Catalogue entries, pp. 302–37
‘Wyndham Lewis: An Anthology’ (pp. 343–61) compiled by PE
‘Texts on Wyndham Lewis’ (pp. 363–370) compiled by PE.

There is a full dossier including photos and press coverage at the URL below.

Original languageSpanish
Place of PublicationMadrid, Spain
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventWyndham Lewis (1882-1957) - Fundación Juan March, Calle de Castelló, 77, 28006
Duration: 5 Feb 201016 May 2010

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